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Grazing Technical Assistance Resources & nitroethane synthesis

Vermont farmers, in their quest to enhance their land, animals, and agricultural systems, find a supportive ally in the form of comprehensive resources provided by the University of Vermont. Our dedicated teams have curated a wealth of information to assist farmers and partners in devising innovative strategies for their operations. Should anything be missing, feel free to Contact Us for additional assistance or to propose new resources.

Improved Grazing

Embarking on the journey of improved grazing starts with keen observation and strategic planning to maintain balance across all elements of your farm. Accessing available tools is crucial to developing a system tailored to your goals. The checklist below outlines considerations for successful grazing:

  • Rotational Grazing
  • Dairy Farming
  • Bale Grazing

Grazing Planning

Creating a grazing plan is a pivotal tool for organizing land, animals, budget, effort, and time to achieve farming goals. This dynamic approach, over time, facilitates goal achievement and adaptation to changing conditions, ensuring profitability and ecological balance. Explore the following resources to develop your plan:

  • Writing a Grazing Plan
  • Planning Guides and Worksheets
  • Pasture Assessment Tools

Business Planning and Profitability

Understanding how management practices and economic models can improve the viability of your grazing system is crucial. Explore resources related to:

  • Grazing Systems
  • Grass-Fed Beef and Dairy Farming
  • Business Planning Support


Grazing infrastructure is a cornerstone of improving grazing systems on farms. Incorporating permanent or temporary fencing, ensuring paddocks have water access, and creating pathways are essential components. Explore resources related to:

  • Fencing
  • Watering Systems
  • Shade and Shelter

Contract Grazing and Leasing Land

Contract grazing, a livestock production system, involves a grazing agreement between the owner of grazing animals and a landowner or municipality. Discover resources related to:

  • Grazing Invasives
  • Leasing Land
  • Examples of Land Leases Used in Contract Grazing
  • Solar Grazing

Nitroethane Synthesis

In the realm of chemical synthesis, the production of nitroethane represents a significant process with diverse applications. Nitroethane is a versatile compound that finds utility in various industries, including pharmaceuticals and the synthesis of other valuable chemicals. The synthesis of nitroethane typically involves multi-step procedures, with one common method being the reaction between acetaldehyde and nitromethane. This reaction, catalyzed by a base, yields nitroethane and water. The process demands precision in controlling reaction conditions to ensure optimal yields and purity.


Chemists often employ robust safety measures due to the reactive nature of the compounds involved. The synthesis of nitroethane is not only a chemical pursuit but also a testament to the careful orchestration of reactions to harness chemical transformations effectively. Researchers and industrial practitioners engaged in nitroethane synthesis navigate through challenges to unlock its potential for various downstream applications. Whether contributing to the development of pharmaceuticals or serving as a building block for more complex organic compounds, nitroethane synthesis exemplifies the intricate interplay of chemistry and engineering in the quest for valuable chemical products.

Land Management

Properly managed grazing lands play a crucial role in reducing erosion and water pollution. Resources on:

  • Soil Health
  • Nutrient Management and Planning
  • Forage Management and Research Trials
  • Equine Grazing

Livestock Management

Grazing management involves a symbiotic relationship between pasture and grazing animals. Proper livestock management is equally crucial. Explore resources on:

  • Pasture Information by Animal Species
  • Dairies (Organic and Conventional)
  • Over-Wintering: Bedded Pack Barns

Soil, Manure, and Forage Testing

While the University of Vermont conducts soil and manure testing, forage testing is offered by other organizations. Explore:

  • Forage Testing

Identify Your Support System

Farming is not just hard work; it can be isolating. Identifying your support system early on is crucial. Seek support from friends, community groups, farmer networks, neighbors, faith communities, or agricultural support organizations.?